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Minister's Corner

To Kids Who Are “Different”

By September 6, 2018No Comments
He was always different. His interests were different. He wanted to write poetry or play his harp while his seven brothers loved to roughhouse or play soccer. 
His appearance was different. He had “beautiful eyes” and was “ruddy” (red hair and freckles?) while his brothers and most boys of his heritage were typically more olive complexioned.
The Preacher comes to his little hometown on a Divine Mission to find and anoint the new King of the land. He invites all the sons of Jesse to a gathering to determine the new national leader. The seven brothers are present and eager.
The youngest brother is absent. Did he isolate himself or did his brothers exclude him because of his differences? It can be deadly to be different when you’re a kid. To our world packaging is often more important than the person within.
Even the man of God got seduced by appearances and attempts to select the strapping oldest brother as the new King. But the Lord speaks to the preacher (and to us): “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance , but the Lord looks at the heart.” – 1 Samuel 16:7
The “NEW KING OF ISRAEL” contest commences. All the brothers are paraded by the Prophet, but abruptly dismissed. “Anybody else?” asks the Prophet. Finally young David is summoned from the lonely fields and the Lord says “Yep, that’s the one!”
Maybe you’re the kid that marches out of step with the herd. Different interests. Different looks. You’ve gotten labeled. You are not going to be Prom Queen nor Captain of the team nor “Most Likely….”
Take heart. Don’t stay out in the lonely fields brooding. The good Lord Above may have some mighty big plans for you.
John Scott

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