At Southside, we are a church on mission. We believe that God has called us to this place for this time to be a body of people used by God to proclaim the good news of redemption to a broken world. We believe that each one of us is a
partner in this mission. By using our gifts and passions, we collectively work and serve together for the gospel to be known in this neighborhood.
We believe all are welcome here — no matter the background, no matter the color of skin, no matter the economic situation — all are invited here to receive God’s mercy. We believe open hearts and loving arms that declare forgiveness, acceptance, and grace can be found here.
We believe in life-change. We believe that God’s Spirit is alive and through Bible study, prayer, worship, mission, and community, He works to form us collectively into the image of Christ. We believe that people who come to this body do not stay the same, but rather they change, they grow, and they become different through the power of God.
We are not perfect. But by God’s grace, we strive to maturity, humbly seeking the guidance of our Lord and King. A part of this maturity is being empowered and sent.
Just as Jesus empowered and sent his disciples into the world to hasten their growth and development, so the Lord does the same with us. He challenges us, He calls us, He pushes us, He prods us. He does all these things so that we may partner with Him in mission, mercy, and transformation. This is why we have a Called to Light fund.
Called to Light is a fund for when God calls us to mission. He has called us in so many ways in the past. He has called us to Honduras, Ecuador, Africa, Ukraine and ten other nations to proclaim the good news. He has called us to the abused, to children, to refugees, to the deaf, and other marginalized groups to be the hands of Jesus. He has called us to racial reconciliation through Christ. He has called us to place Bibles in European nations, solar Bible study players in Latin America, and the gospel in Croatia. He will keep calling. We want to be ready.
November 11 is our day of giving for Called to Light. November 11 is our day to answer God’s call. November 11 is our day to lean into the mission of God in this place. November 11 is our day where we take one step toward our mission and our calling.