One of our core ministries here at Southside is the HOPE ministry, which is designed to assist people who have made unwise and unhealthy choices in their past, but are now working a path of recovery. HOPE is an acronym for Heavenly Options for Pain and Emptiness. This ministry was established in 2000 as an extension of our work with women with dependent children, who were in First Choice (a residential treatment program), across the street. Hope is designed to encourage and challenge its members to grow and improve their emotional, relational, and spiritual needs.
HOPE is not just a program, it is the DNA of who we are at Southside. We believe that we have been commissioned to continue the work that Jesus started. We are to tell the Good News of deliverance to the spiritually poor and show the brokenhearted that God loves them and has healing for their emotional pain and emptiness. God wants those who are imprisoned by sin and addiction know that they can have a life of forgiveness, power, and freedom. We are sent to the abused and downtrodden to show the truth and light to those who have believed the lies of Satan, have been blinded, and are living in darkness.
We work with many different transitional or residential programs including the Haven of Rest, House of Redemption, Life House, First Choice, VOA at Riverside, the ABODE, and various others from time to time. Last week we had a record group of forty-three attending from the Abode. After worship, they join us for the HOPE group (class), eat a meal that is prepared for them, and stay for an extended Bible class. During the week we have a group of men who go to the facility and teach a course in Anger Management. We believe that God is making a difference in the lives of many. So far, eight have chosen to put on Christ in baptism. After they complete their program at the Abode, many choose to stay in Fort Worth so they can continue being part of the Southside family. For more information of how you might be a part of this exciting ministry, please contact James Lee, David Goin, or Dan Leaf.