Last weekend, the College Ministry group spent some time debriefing, reflecting, and sharing blessings from the school year as it came to a close. This was a very affirming and encouraging time – many expressed thanks to one another for the ways they have helped and supported each other, Life Group leaders talked about how great it has been to watch students grow and become more mature in their faith, and students admitted to realizing their great need to be part of a community of faith.
It was great to hear college students talk about what the church has meant for them and why they see the College Ministry as a key part of their lives, and I pray for more conversations like those. This also just reminds me of the value of ministering to college students, getting to know them, and taking them in as partners in the Gospel, not just young visitors. If we show students now the impact that a faith community can have, they will not soon forget this after they graduate and move along in life.
The end of a school year is always interesting in college ministry – it’s as though the cast changes part way through a movie, and I of course want to continue doing ministry, but it’s always a challenge to pin students down during the summer, because so many different things are happening.
So here is what we’ve got going on this Summer:
Main Event Monday | May 28, 7p
Worship Night at Southside | June 7, 7p
Movie Night: Incredibles 2 | June 14, 7p
Devo Night at Keller CofC | June 22, 6:30p
Food and Fireworks at Shane Bell’s House | July 4, 7:30p
Worship Night at Southside | July 5, 7p
Tim Hawkins Comedy Show | July 15
Devo Night at Southside | July 20, 6:30p
Alabama Mission Trip & CFC Conference | July 21-29
Worship Night at Southside | August 2, 7p
Notice that there is a worship night here on the first Thursday of each month, and an area-wide devotional on the third Friday (Southside is hosting in July). If you would like more information or you want reminders about these events, contact Israel Ramirez or Chris Jeter.