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Called to Light 2017

By November 16, 2017No Comments

“Why would people use their vacation time to come to my country, and why would others pay for them to come?” This is a question heard many times by those who have gone across the globe in God’s name. But those who go and those who send know the answer: It is because we have been called. Called to share LIGHT in the darkness.

Our annual Called to Light special offering is designated to send the church where God calls. We don’t always know where God will send us or what opportunities He will place in our path, but we want to have resources to respond to the call when it comes, whatever it looks like.

In years past, this call has come in the form of short-term missions to Ukraine, Honduras, Ecuador, Haiti and the United States; counseling for children and families at ChristianWorks; and Academy 4 projects that allow De Zavala Elementary students to be a blessing to their community. These are the types of opportunities that Called to Light has allowed Southside to respond to and participate in.

This year half of our $120,000 goal will again be used to send Southside partners around the world on God’s mission, and the other half will be designated for unrevealed opportunities which we are confident God’s Spirit will lead us to. In faith we need to be ready when the call comes.

This year there is an added dimension. Our neighborhood is changing and we are being called on to communicate the Gospel in new and different ways. We can already see that GOD IS ON THE MOVE. Calls are coming in from people in the community offering places and means through which we can reach many people, and God is opening doors to some BIG opportunities. Called to Light is about these big possibilities.

Let’s do big things that have eternal results…


Grace and Caroline Mahaffey in Honduras. Called to Light helped send them to do an internship this past summer

One of Southside’s shepherds, Kent Smith, with a child from the Neema Village orphanage in Tanzania, Africa. Called to Light contributes to the love and care extended to children living there

Several Southside partners in Ukraine, where Called to Light has empowered many to go and share the Gospel

Chris Jeter

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